Exploring the development and implementation of appropriate technology in a learning environment
Digital portfolio of Joy A. Gayler
Ethics Media
Description: These
QuickTime movies and
MP3s are a series of lecture topics for an Ethics course
taught at Sherman College. Dr. Leslie M. Wise, professor of
clinical sciences, asked me produce these lectures in a portable
format. I videotaped the lectures, edited them usingiMovie,
and rendered them for QuickTime. A few years later, I digitally
extracted the audio from the video to create MP3 files. The
lectures are available to Sherman students in both formats via acourse
website, or for purchase on CD at the Sherman College
Analyze: I chose to include this artifact because it
relates to my framework by demonstrating my ability to
implement, deliver and repurpose instructional media to meet
current didactic goals. TheStandards for Chiropractic Education which are published by
the Council on
Chiropractic Education encourage the use of innovative
instructional methods. The media is part of theEthics website artifact.
Appraise: My choice to render the movies in QuickTime has
provided a flexibility that has transcended platform issues and
has proven to be an effective means for transference of
material. My ability to stay ahead of student demand by offering
the same content in an alternative format (MP3) has further
extended the content to offer yet another choice in delivery
mode. This artifact was pivotal in demonstrating to
administration and faculty that learning need not occur in one
setting. Student response to the media has been extremely
favorable. This media has changed the way students in this
course learn by promoting interactivity and the ability to
access the information at any time. This artifact’s greatest
strength is its ability to promote student-centered learning by
allowing the flexibility for students to access the course
content asynchronously. The instructor is allowed to use
classroom meetings for discussion and case presentations
relating to the information, rather than simply presenting the
lectures. Students are allowed to assimilate course content in a
palatable and efficient manner, and the instructor is able to
more efficiently utilize classroom time.
Transform: My experience working with a project of this
magnitude allowed me to hone my project management skills. I
also learned valuable information regarding server and bandwidth
loads when working with streaming media files. I was exposed to
new software for the audio extraction portion of this project
and learned rendering techniques for MP3 files, which would
prove useful in future projects of this nature. I believe my
ability to produce this type of media has increased my worth as
an instructional designer and has enhanced the tools of my
trade. There are plans to add a few new segments in both
QuickTime and MP3 formats, and the possibility of re-recording
and updating several existing segments of this lecture series.
There is also a possibility of offering this lecture series
Apple’s iTunes-U podcast server, should Sherman College
decide to partner with them.
QuickTime video artifact
(requires viewer sound to be enabled)
Guarantee of Cure
video artifact
More QuickTime videos can be found on thechiroethics.com website. (will launch in new window)
MP3 artifact
(requires viewer sound to be enabled)
Res Ipse Loquitur MP3
More MP3s can be found on thechiroethics.com website. (will launch in new window)