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Exploring the development and implementation of appropriate technology in a learning environment

Digital portfolio of Joy A. Gayler

Chiro Ethics Web Site

This artifact is a website that was commissioned by a colleague to serve as a profession-wide forum for chiropractors to explore the ethical issues which challenge the doctor of chiropractic in today's practice environment. The site houses ethics articles and essays. The site is also home to the ethics and jurisprudence multimedia lecture series for Sherman College students.

Analyze: I selected this artifact because it displays my work as a webmaster and instructional designer. I believe this artifact represents my framework because it demonstrates my ability to collaborate with a colleague to analyze, design and develop a multi-purpose site that works cohesively for two diverse audiences, thus producing an appropriate venue for the dissemination of ethics-based material. Theethics media artifact is related to this artifact since that multimedia is housed on this website and is further evidence of dual-integration of technology into a single entity.

Appraise: The function of this site is two-fold: to act as a reference forum for the chiropractic profession and also to act also as the hub for Sherman College’s Ethics and Jurisprudence course. This site has enjoyed broad use in the chiropractic profession, as evidenced by web statistics as well as contact from chiropractic colleagues. The site functions well as home to the ethics multimedia lecture series, which Sherman students access from this site. Since bandwidth usage can be high with this site, a mirror site is provided as well (www.chiroethics.org and www.chiroethics.com) to ensure site content uptime and availability. Student feedback has been solicited and incorporated to make the site more user-friendly. For example, adding the time length to each lecture for downloading wait time has been incorporated. The strength of this site is its ability to provide a needed venue for ethics within the chiropractic profession while also functioning as an educational site. The weakness of the site is that it needs to be updated manually rather than using a content management system. 

Transform: This web site was a pleasure to work on since it provided me an opportunity to create a synthesized environment for both student and professional. The design concept and process was easy to visualize and conceptualize since the commissioner had very definite ideas of the look and feel he wished to convey. Adding the multimedia lectures in the students section allowed me to explore various server requirements for files of that magnitude as well as to practice redundancy measures through the use of mirrored server sites for continuous uptime. Plans are being explored for extending existing as well as new articles into podcasts, which would be made available on the web site. There is a need for a content management system for this web site, which I plan to implement as time permits.

Listed below is the Ethics Web Site artifact

Ethics and Jurisprudence Web Site
visit web site (will launch in new window)